“Esteemed pianist Elliot Jones hosts Piano Bar … a mélange of standards, musical theater and opera … in The Century Room at Hotel Congress”

-Tucson Weekly, July, 2022

In 2015 I was teaching at Culver-Stockton College in Missouri, but making frequent trips to Tucson. My husband Mark talked me into starting a piano bar night at the Dusty Monk Pub at Old Town Artisans and Downtown Tucson’s Piano Bar was born! It quickly became a sensation. Fabulous singers of every style, including two Metropolitan Opera tenors, have thrilled patrons over the years. Venues include the Century Room at Hotel Congress, the Owl’s Club, Arizona Theatre Company, and on Thursday, May 30, 7:00-10 pm at its original location, The Monsoon Room at Old Town Artisans! www.facebook.com/groups/TucsonsPianoBar

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